Blue Opportunity Day | Marine@Ugent

Blue Opportunity Day

How can technology, innovation and transdisciplinary collaboration support a sustainable blue economy in Europe?


Don't miss the second edition of the Blue Opportunity Day with several guest lectures on cross-boundary collaborations, safe and healthy food production and the role of research and technology throughout the supply chain. This conference will bring together researchers, local governments and industry representatives.

Event Overview 


The Blue Economy plays an integral role in the transformation of Europe’s future economy, and help support the EU meet its ambitions set out in the European Green Deal. This against the backdrop of a global demand for food, scarcity of resources and space, together with the increasingly visible impacts of climate change.

Today researchers, local governments and industry representatives active in the Blue Economy will get together to explore how the greater North Sea area can lead the way towards a sustainable blue economy.

The conference will carefully consider the role of technology and innovation in achieving this goal, whilst driving economic growth for all. This includes a transition from traditional protein production to circular and climate-friendly food systems; and accelerating the digital transformation to monitor food safety, traceability and sustainability. Transdisciplinary and cross border collaboration is hereby essential, challenges related to the diversity of expertise and the legal framework have to be overcome.


The second Blue Opportunity Day is part of the Blue Science and Technology Summer Training (link). Offering participants the opportunity to meet young PhD students and get first hand insight into their research. Four guest lectures will help put the pieces of the puzzle together to on tackle this major societal challenge in a transdisciplinary way:

  1. From a legal perspective: how do we combine economic activities at our limited ocean space
  2. From a biological perspective: how do we produce seaweed in large enough quantities?
  3. From a supply chain perspective: how do we provide transparency and credibility throughout the supply chain to buyers and consumers?  
  4. From an international – governance perspective: how do we enable cross-border collaboration?


We hope to see you all there! 


Participation is free, but registration is obligatory (register here)





08:30 – 09:00 | Registration and welcome

09:00 – 10:25 | Session 1: Maritime law and Marine Spatial Planning (Frank Maes - Ghent University)

10:30 – 12:00 | Session 2: Technology Powered Sustainability Solutions (Frank Fleming - Verifact)

12:00 – 13:30 | Networking Lunch and PhD poster session

13:30 – 15:00 | Introduction by HE Martin Shearman, British Ambassador to Belgium

Session 3: Safe, sustainable, solutions for the animal feed and livestock farming industries (Michelle Marin Chau - Nutri-San)

15:00 – 15:30 | Networking Break

15:30 – 17:00 | Introduction by Ms. Sofie Bracke, Alderwoman for Economy, Trade, Port and Sport of the city of Ghent

Session 4: Strategic Business plan North Sea Port (Daan Schalck - North Sea Port)

17:00 – 17:10 | Closing thoughts

17:10 – 18:00 | Networking reception

Speaker profiles
















































Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
7 Jul 2023 - 09:00 to 18:30