Marine Art | Marine@Ugent

Marine Art

Marine Art was a unique outreach event and a collaboration between Flanders Marine Institute, the Academy of Fine Arts Ghent and researchers from the Marine@UGent consortiumTwenty-three marine topics, from pollution to building at sea, and ocean acidification served as inspiration for more than 1200 artists from the Academy, aged 6 to 85.


The project comprised of 3 stages: 

(1) Art teachers visited the professo, specialised in a topic they were interested in, and were provided with detailed information

(2) Professors, research assistants and scientists presented their research topic in classrooms, or alternatively, students and teachers visited the lab or  made a research trip with the RV Simon Stevin

(3) After being inspired by the science, the art teachers and students transformed the science into art. 


More than 1250 pieces of art were presented at the 5-day exhibition in Ghent. Disciplines included painting, mixed media, sculpture and drawing. 


In brief: Marine Art, 1200 students, 40 scientists, 23 marine research topics, more than 1250 pieces of art, 8400 people visited the exhibition.