Official launch of the 3i University Network | Marine@Ugent

Official launch of the 3i University Network

The Interregional Internationalisation Initiative University Network (3i Network), founded by Ghent University, KU Leuven, University of Kent and University of Lille, invites you to its first forum.This forums aims to connect universities, regions and the private sector to tackle shared challenges common to Flanders, Kent County and the Hauts-de-France.

First 3i University Network Forum:

Building an interregional agenda for the future


The Interregional Internationalisation Initiative University Network (3i Network) is a collaboration founded by Universiteit Gent, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULAK), the University of Kent and the Université de Lille.

The main goal of the network is to bring together universities, regional governments and the private sector/civil society to work on challenges common to Flanders, Kent and the Hauts-de-France.


Four thematic clusters

Four thematic clusters were put forward for cooperation. For each of these clusters (including but not limited to) the three regions will define common challenges and collaborate on finding possible solutions to these challenges.


The founding universities are convinced that cooperation encourages innovation and creativity and can result in projects which benefit the population, businesses and other organisations in their respective regions.

To maximise impact and the full innovation potential of European ecosystems, experience shows that strong territorial innovation ecosystems based on excellence are essential. 

These ecosystems are based on the so-called quadruple helix:

  • Academia and research: universities and research organisations, vocational training providers, technology transfer offices…
  • Public bodies: regional and local authorities, innovation agencies, public-supported incubators and accelerators ….
  • Private sector: businesses (SMEs, starts-up, large companies…), clusters, chambers, private incubators and accelerators …
  • Civil society: end-users, NGOs, associations, unions, etc.





Lille, France
Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France, 151 Av. du Président Hoover, 59000 Lille
14 Jun 2022 - 10:30 to 18:00